Well, it finally got here. The day I had been waiting for, for a long time. I was going to finally see my movie, Nights in Rodanthe. It bother me that the critics got it only 2 stars. I would have given it 5 out of 5 stars. I read the book 2 times and cried. I have went to the movie, knowing what was going to happen and cried. It may be a chick flick, but take your hubby or boyfriend with you. My hubby did not know anything about the book and loved the movie. He said he will take me again to see it. GREAT!
If you read in my previous write up about the filming of it in Rodanthe you will understand why I HAD TO GO SEE THE MOVIE. It is a must see. If anyone does go see it, let me know what you thought about it.
I had a great birthday!!! Thanks to my hubby, some family and friends that went with us and thanks to Nicholas Sparks for writing such a great book. Love them all.
Can't wait to see what Sparks has next in line for me.
God bless,