Thursday, January 13, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEARThe past year has been somewhat an interesting year for me.  The Lord has seen fit for me to having another year in 2011 and I pray that I will be able to share some of my good days and times with all of you.

Briefly I will explain why I have not been posting on my blog.  To begin with, I am sorry that I had to leave people hanging but I have had some health issues that prevented me to be able to use my hands and wrists much.  I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and it has hit my hands and wrists.  So I was unable to do much of anything.  I had to quit work and stay home.  Well that of course brought me to a Pity Party for myself.  That is over and I thank God for bringing me out of that.  So that is where I am right now.

I have in the past few weeks gotten in my mind to start crafting again.  I can't do some of the things I would like to do, as of right now.  But Hopefully will be able to resume them one day.  Here are a few things that I have been making in the past couple of weeks:
Hand mitten, 1st attempt

Baby hat, light yellow & light green


We have had snow and Very Cold weather here for a couple of weeks, so I thought I better try to keep my hands moving and keep them warm.  I hope that I will be able to post more projects as I make them.  Later I will post our Christmas Open House Party we had for some friends.  We only had about 20 some to come, did not know how well I would have handled all the crowd.  Pictures will come later.

Stay warm and healthy.  I will continue to post as much as possible.  If you read this, please let me know.  I don't want to be posting and no one out there reading.  Shoot, I could be crafting at this time. 
Until later,


Anonymous said...

Hi Terrie,

So great to see you are able to do some crafting!

Hobbyaholic said...

Sorry about the RA, I know how frustrating that must be. Pray and holding strong in faith will continue to make changes for you.

Great job on your mittens, looks good for your 1st attempt. I am still working on a pair of socks that Naz posted a while' my 4th attempt at starting them.

Cute pom-pom hat. Would be so cute on a chubby cheek baby.

I'll try to comment more often, as I usually read blog updates in google reader and forget to go to the sites to comment.

Dee said...

Hello my wonderful southern friend, Thank you so very much for thinking of me & for being concerned. I too miss talking to you, but with all that has been going on here, I haven't been doing much of anything. I will try to email you this week to explain everything.
By the way, I am so very proud of you with all the wonderful/beautiful crochet items that you made. I can't imagine how hard it is for you to use your hands with all your pain, but what a great job my friend. You go girl.

Count me in

Circut Addict

Circut Addict